Are you a seeker ready to take a deep dive into your inner self and to reconnect with your life purpose?

What is Transformational Soul Coaching?

Transformational Soul Coaching invites you to get in touch with the essence of who you are through emotionally driven techniques and metaphysical insights. This connection with the deepest part of you requires the development of awareness, a letting go of past assumptions and an openness to what is, irrelevant of the challenge it creates in your life. Our work ultimately leads you to your soul’s purpose from the inside out. It allows for spiritual space, synchronicity, energetic connection and expanded consciousness. Your focus on your inner self, trusting your intuition and your heart will transform typical external goals into spiritually driven intentions.



How do your emotions and beliefs block you from bringing your dreams into reality?

We can use these feelings and beliefs to dig deeper into your inner self and use the power of curiosity, compassion and empathy to uncover, visualize and manifest your authentic self.

Free 30-minute Initial Consultation

30-minute Coaching Session - $55.

Bundle of 6, 30-minute Coaching Sessions



It can be intimidating to feel your feelings. Let me guide you. Together we can discover what you are passionate about by gaining clarity on your dreams, talents and gifts through a passion test, and/or we can further engage the right side of the brain to connect with your purpose in life through guided meditation. From this place of knowing, you can set your intention and move forward in alignment with your purpose.

Passion Test: up to 60 minutes - $100.

Discovering Your Life Purpose Guided Meditation: up to 60 minutes - $100.


I can also help you meet your maximum potential through an interpretation of your astrological chart. Based on the exact time and location of your birth, I will look at the placement of your sun, moon, rising sign, lunar nodes and how they are all aspected. This will give you a greater understanding of your life’s potential.

50-minute Interpretation - $150.

Schedule a Free Consultation

(30 min)

Meet Micheline

Micheline believes that our evolution as a species is far from complete. Human beings can become better versions of themselves. Each one of us is responsible for moving civilization forward. In order to achieve this goal, we must seek to uncover who we are without our earthly conditioning. The process of conscious awareness leads all of us to our authentic, energetic and vibrational self.

Micheline learned, through a lifetime of challenging moments, to show gratefulness and acceptance for all that is presented to her as a tool to understand her soul’s purpose. She believes that these challenges force us to evolve beyond the person we believe we are by paying attention to our inner selves. This awareness becomes the key to unlocking our spiritual self. It connects us to our emotions and in doing so clarifies our values and beliefs. Our emotions open a window into our intuition, our passion and our purpose.

She is an internationally Certified Life and Spirit Coach through CCA (Certified Coach Alliance) and a Sedona Transformational Soul Coach. She has completed the 8-week Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness training with Shirzad Charmine. Micheline has been studying astrology since the 1990s.

She is a retired Certified Educational Consultant/Diagnostician who worked in the New Jersey and the Canadian school systems for three decades. She is an avid fan and practitioner of Intuitive Painting, Evolutionary Astrology, Reiki, Jin Chin Jyutsu, QiGong and a lover of nature. She resides in New Jersey with her husband and enjoys time with her children and 14 wonderful grandkids.

She looks forward to the joy of co-creating dreams with seekers of all ages. Her goal is to support you in seeking the wisdom of the Divine within you.

My Ideal Client

You are a seeker. Even though you appreciate everything that Mother Earth has to offer, you are yearning for something more than the material world. You feel a deep need to understand what your own life is about and how you can meaningfully contribute to society.

Are you in your 20s trying to blindly launch yourself into the world?

Are you in your 40s realizing that everything you thought you wanted and needed has not materialized, or it has and you still feel distressed and disconnected?

Are you retired, and even though there is some joy in experiencing total freedom at last, you wonder why you feel so bereft?

What People Are Saying:

“I could not have done it without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

— L.G.

“Your ability to connect and empathize allowed me to express myself with complete honesty and trust. You have shown compassion, patience and support each step of the way. I am so grateful for your ability to lean into my experience.”


“Your strengths and abilities as a spiritual coach are a great gift and I have been so blessed that you wrapped me in your care.”

— T.T.

“You helped me create a path of self-discovery and achievement at a time when I felt like there was no path at all. You had an incredible ability to listen to what I was saying while hearing what I was actually not saying. You challenged me without judging me. You provided me with the guidance and support I needed to accomplish my goals while being my biggest cheerleader.”

___ B.M.